
Raft PC Game

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In everyday life we rarely get a chance to test our limits and find out what we’re capable of in a critical situation. We roll in comfort, we have it all. And the only thing we’re afraid of is getting fired or dumped by our girlfriend. But what kind of a life is this? If you want to break out of your daily routine, Raft will give you that adrenaline you long for along with a new, unusual experience! And although this experience is purely virtual, it’s all in our head, right?

So what exactly is this game about? You will become kind of a sea tramp. At the beginning you won’t have anything but a cracked wooden board. Perhaps you can clutch on it not to drown. But it will hardly provide you with a shelter and let you hold up long enough until someone or something appears in your field of sight. What are you going to do? Don’t panic, breath in and out and start acting!

To think of it, ocean is a huge dumpster. And there are plenty of useful things swimming by right under your nose. Demonstrate dexterity and get a grip on them. Done? Now you can find a way to use them for your pressing needs. For instance, tie that board to the one you’re huddling one. Then you’ll have more space for your marine maneuvers.

There are actually lots of means to improve your as of now quite miserable raft making a smart use of all the wreckage bobbing on the water surface. Some materials are harder to find, you’ll need to venture into the very depth. And that’s highly dangerous. Sharks aren’t sleeping. They’re waiting for you to lose your guard and then they can have you for a snack. As you understand, your trip will be over then. So you need to take measures. First and foremost law – be careful, avoid places where you can potentially meet a lot of predators or some poisonous bottom fauna. Just to make sure, keep some sort of a weapon ready.

After an hours of crafting you won’t even recognize your raft. It will become bigger, prettier and comfier. It will get filled with different things. Some of them practical and necessary, others just as an eye candy. And that will make it feel more and more like a place to live, not to survive. But what if your freshly built floating castle gets into a storm? Well, there is no guarantee from that. You’ll have to start over. Some stuff will stay on the raft, maybe damaged, but not lost. And don’t forget that, after all those troubles and trials, you have the most precious thing – rafting experience and survival skills! They won’t let you give up now!
